Primary Education Projects
Government-sponsored schools in Kenya collect school fees to cover the costs of materials and instruction. Because most families in Kibera earn less than $2.00 per day, many cannot afford the school fees required to attend government-sponsored schools in Kenya.
So, we fund infrastructure and academic projects in Kibera that offer education services to Kibera’s most vulnerable young children. We partner with a variety of organizations including:
Kibera Hamlets: A free primary school based on the Kenya’s ministry of education guidelines and education policies. They enroll orphans and vulnerable children between the ages 6 and 15 living in Kibera,
Fruitful Rescue Centre: A home, school and refuge for orphans and other needy children in Kibera. They house and educate about 30 children at any one time
Examples of projects we have funded include new windows, flood repairs, radios for students learning remote during COVID, new primary school books and stationary, and shelf stable food to increase meals offered during COVID.
Our projects enable these community based organizations to continue to serve the most impoverished children in Kibera, Kenya.